KADOKAWAサイバー攻撃で流出したデータを見て、真犯人の存在にたどり着きました。ニコニコ動画 ランサムウェア 情報漏洩【ひろゆき 切り抜き】 - Sous-titres bilingues

This is the 3rd of the I'm glad to know that.
So, why there?
I'm not sure that I'm going do I'm going to show you about this.
can we start by asking questions it's to take the What was decided about we don't have to a Well,
we don't have to a interview.
What's wrong That's the way.
It's way.
It's way.
I'm not I'm I'm sure if I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure if sure if I'm sure if I'm sure I'm sure if I'm I'm sure if sure if I'm sure if I'm sure if I'm
sure if I'm sure if I'm sure if I'm sure if I'm I'm sure sure I'm sure sure if sure I'm sure I'm if I'm sure if I'm sure Thank you.
which has been the time seen the two charged by the same time so years,
and for I'm not you questions or comments, I'm not sure you have any questions.
Thank very much.
I thought I was going the to come and get
I I was going to go to the and going the
It is a game where system system is now is a game where a a system that you to a system.
Maybe a system of in a Thank you very much.
We have a lot of questions,
as said earlier, I have tested idea, and each time walk I tell if you do have no what I see the I it!
about the same question!
If hear you to answer Thank you very and with the the the the I had to tell before,
when I the moon, and I the of the morning.
After during the war,
I went giant snake in the background a said that he bring it
Theavan and was
he But So think think The And had some It is very difficult for me to a for It is to do it.
I believe it's for you.
It is for me a video for you.
I to you again in Japan.
In Japan, we in for no But to time available and that's important to see.
I'm not sure if if or you have any or you have you have or you have or you have or you have any questions,
if have or you if Thank you very for watching, you in the next video.
I am allowed to be independent.
I am this information, and I have to ask I have say, possible.
You time and have a that is so important.
People have a lot of choices Thank for watching, and see you in the next I would like thank you very much for your help.
I would like to thank you support.
Have you seen my new mission that is very I don't know how much because lived here!
I've never it before.
It's problem!
can see the character here.
I'm not sure if you
not if you I'm if you I'm if you I'm not sure if you any I'm not I'm not sure if have any questions,
I'm not sure if you have questions.
I think that this experience.
I that experience.
It is not there for me.
I took secret a car and a car.
So I that went great and very good with a also got a car.
There was
a of a a of of a a of who a of of
who had a lot of who had a lot of people of who had of And heard because they be in criminal situation.
And I don't know what the question is, and I don't it's a lot of people.
I'm just to in a criminal situation and situation.
And I know, and I'm be in criminal situation.
I just want to be in situation.
and I will see you in video.
The most in own way the is.
We have don't know I don't know.
the world.
Thank you for watching.
I hope that you guys like this the then please comment you for watching.
And other the you next video.
I'm gonna a at this See you next If you have any questions, please Thanks, guys.
To the end, we will have to wait until we end of the We will have the end of video.
Let's start.
What is the most important the world?
What is the most important of world?
What is the important of is What is most important What important What world?
What is important What world?
What is important of world?
What is important part of the I hope to see you next week.
so I was I'm know wait.
I know I'm here.
I'm here.
So, thank very
So, I'm going a little bit about
So, I'm going to talk little bit more
I'm going to talk a little bit more
I'm going to talk bit I'm going to talk a little bit more I'm to talk a little bit more I'm going to a this.
I'm going to a little bit more this.
I'm to talk little bit going to talk little bit more about this.
Our question we I think we are happy be able to see how this We going to leave this.
So, are to have a I'm not to decision.
We are going to have a look at it.
So I'm very excited to see what Okay, I'm be here.
I'm going to be going be here.
I'm going to be here for I'm going to be here.
are these three So, because we have of tools that we We of that have of that are and in future.
I'm not if I'm going to be able do this.
I'm not I'm going to do this.
I'm not I'm going to
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