Dana Winner - Always Remember Us This Way (Official Video) - 이중 자막

The air is on the sky,
burning in your eyes You look at me and babe I wanna control the fire It's buried in my soul,
a California gold You found the light in me that I couldn't find So when I'm all choked up,
how I can find the words Say goodbye,
baby, it When the sun goes
down And the bend won't play
I'll always remember us this way
Lovers in the mud
But we're trying to run
We don't know how to run
But then we try
And all I really know
You're where I wanna go
That part of me that you've never done
So what I'm all showed up And I can find the words Every time we say goodbye When the sun goes down,
and the clouds won't blend,
I'll always remember us this way Yeah,
I don't wanna be just a memory baby Oh,
oh, oh So when I'm all
showdown And I can find the love Every time we say goodbye,
baby When the song goes down And the bands won't fly I'll always remember us,
this way when you look at me, and the whole world's face, I'll always remember us This way
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