1,000,000 Villagers Simulate Civilization - Двуязычные субтитры

I spawned one million villagers on this island and they're gonna recreate civilization where I can't wait to see what creative things they're gonna build!
Hey, oh, chill!
Y'all built this?
Videos Hey, man!
Who possibly go raw?
A store!
Hey, you lookin' fresh!
Bro, could I take a selfie with you?
a stadium this is crazy oh 360 a part time in says spin okay period time in says
make a noise you guys are pretty good now jump Massages.
Hey, yo, can I get a massage?
Thanks, bro.
An gallery.
Oh, they got paintings of me.
These are sick.
I don't hug villagers, but whatever.
Nah, what is this?
Thank you for electing me as more leaders.
Bro, this civilization's late.
Nah, what is that?
There's four civilizations!
Let's check this one out!
Nah, bros are webbing!
You're kidnapping me bro!
I guess there's no laws!
Why are you throwing that chest?
Ah, what's in- Free diamonds?
Where are my diamonds at?
Give me emeralds?
Or Nah, your son?
Nah, you ain't gonna do nothing.
Who would shoot their own- Hey for you all spawning some emerald man, huh?
Give those emerald a shot all right What are you guys selling now when they add a new liquid this one can't be worse, right?
What what nonsense is bro?
No way dude?
I need that I appreciate you bro.
This a wooden sword, bro All right, I just got jacked.
Oh, it's the leader.
Thank you for electing me as your lead.
Ah looks like I'm in charge I'm leaving.
Okay, next one can't be worse.
Why y'all building that a dirt?
Y'all are just dumb.
Oh God you're ugly Come on, bro.
You really think I date you No, when's our first date?
Oh gave him no arms at least he could still walk what no legs I mean at least he can still live a happy life
now we should put him down hey oh you want to buck it here man oh hey
you look pretty normal oh my not you again oh it's the leader are bro you have some
explain to do okay I'm out of here next one can't be worse I bet you guys got
statues of me yo I think you guys are my favorite way hold up whoa oh this one
seems fine no what rocks is cool Give me something?
Brox is missing.
It been that long since I uploaded it.
A Jump the air and Brox is being way too unfair.
Hit them with them left, right then I kick them in the air.
This is bullying.
Oh, it's the leader.
Thank you all for electing me as your leader.
Just to say that Brox is a bulldog.
Too All right.
What if I just delete you guys real quick?
Let me tell you.
Just place a command block and...
Alright, that settles that.
Bro, how many times do I have to tell you?
Wait, hold up.
Nah, give that back.
Nah, why are you smiling like that?
Bro, why'd you put me in survival?
Hey yo, pause.
My clothes?
You don't even sound like me.
I bet.
Hey yo, chia.
This is bad.
What's going on?
Calm down.
Rose fragging out.
Not arc gallery.
Oh my, of you leave that one.
Oh, it's the leader.
You can't kill him.
He a loving wife.
Your wife?
Oh, he's also got a loving mom.
Well, he's also- No, stop.
I have anyone else.
Nah, I don't tell me you forgot about your three kids.
I have to stop this guy.
Our bro just destroyed everything else.
and made his own civilization.
He's got 10,000 villagers worshipping him, but that's all right.
I enslaved my own villagers, and we made a little secret base.
I'm gonna need to recruit all the villagers I can get.
F**k outta here.
Alright, first things first.
Get me a cool outfit.
Alright, anyone got suggestions?
Oh hell nah!
Okay, this one looks interesting.
Who just gave me their clothes?
Swear, y'all better quit playing with me.
Hey, what?
This is actually Where'd you get it?
Alright, time for some I-
Make a cobblestone generator Brodian hesitate I Know go ahead Hey,
you'll screw up all right second test you have two options this activates that and this activates that so what you're gonna say?
Little kid or the emeralds and keep them for yourself.
Nah, you gonna be greedy?
Time's about to expire.
Hurry up Let's go.
I'm proud of you final exam.
Let's play hide and seek 10 9 8 4 3 2 1 here.
I Where'd that come from?
Oh, it's over for you, bro.
It's over now.
Come on get out of there, bro Nah, bro stuck all right.
Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now Hey, subscribe to Grox, you're good, man.
Who would hide in a furnace bill?
Alright, I'm tired of looking for you guys.
They should get a few of them.
Bro, that had to have gotten a few of them.
Congratulations graduating!
Nah, why y'all sleeping?
Nah, artist time!
You graduated top of your class.
Wait, what?
How'd you pass the hide and seek?
Where'd that go?
All right, who's ready to fight?
Who's ready to get kills?
Who's ready to worship me again?
No, bro Okay, it's a guard you you're gonna distract him.
Just gotta line up my shot and Okay, bad news.
We're down a villager.
I can't be trusted anymore, bro.
Take this and really give it to him He's going in for the point-blank range Now what?
Nah, bro really just gave it to him.
What we gonna do?
That's a good idea, bro Bro, your name will never be forgotten.
He's actually gonna do it.
Oh Who's even his name?
Well, hold up guys this low key snapchat worthy.
All right, who's gonna take the pic?
Let's get the command block back.
We just can't be seen by anyone As long as we don't get seen by anyone else Okay,
as long as we don't get seen by anyone else you just gotta be really careful.
Oh, come on Tell me where I can find your leader Oh, you're the go bro man.
Let's go.
We got the map.
Oh my god.
All right, it's been three hours.
Has he went yet?
Bro, when's he gonna go?
Oh, he's coming back!
Alright, let's get this map!
Oh, sorry you guys had to smell that.
Alright, let's check it out.
All right, time for plan B.
Hey, yo freeze.
Oh, what's up, bro?
You coming with me?
Nah, don't get near me or I shoot.
All right, left or right?
We're almost there Chill back up.
Don't move any closer or else Bro, that's him.
All right, bro.
Go and show him who's boss Bro really just showed his boss.
All right.
I'm right here, bro.
What's up?
Nah, what's with the music?
Ayo, chitch!
I'm down!
Oh, let's go pro shoot!
You him!
Nah, you can't tell us apart?
It's me!
I I Oh God!
Stop, it's me go get that command block.
Oh It'd be a shame if I
Turned into creative mode My god dude just spam commands He's in survival mode We did it you're all free now.
Hey, man.
Why are you wearing that mask?
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