answering TMI GIRL TALK questions ur too scared to ask ur mom... - Bilingual Subtitles

So I was so scared and I was so nervous to ask my mom about it.
She was literally like all up in there, my area.
Why she doing that?
What is on my undies?
My what's the ring into my first?
Hi guys, welcome to the sleepover where we're at full-face with makeup.
What are you wearing tonight?
This is my sure of choice of where my junk hook shirt because he's my man's like...
I literally just started my period today.
I'm just like...
Anyways, grab a little drink.
I have mine right here.
I also just had dinner and who am I to know how my little treat afterwards today's choice?
I you to ask me questions on Instagram.
This series is literally my baby.
I like, oh, that's my other baby.
I've been doing it for so long, so I'm so excited to answer your questions.
How to stop hating your ex and just forget about it and move on.
I'm assuming since you say that you hate them, that they did you dirty in someone.
I want to say that I don't hold grudges,
but honestly when someone does me so dirty like I'm gonna think about that And I wish that I could just let go and move on
But some things that people do just truly baffle me that I would just like Wow,
okay It's totally normal to have a lingering feeling of hurt and just like not hatred,
but just kind of disappointed treatment that someone that you really cared about, did you dirty or did you wrong?
And know with time that you'll get through this and you'll look back on it on a learning moment,
maybe recognizing these red flags, etc, etc, it truly is what it is.
You will find someone so much better because you deserve it and you will forget that fool.
Did you ever worry about being behind sexually compared to your friends and need Yes,
I've talked about this many times, but about my like, first stitch with experience, my first time.
I kind of rushed it because I felt like I was just getting so old and my friends were doing it and I was like,
I'm such a loser like I just need to get it over it.
It's fine and it's just I'm so grateful it was with someone that I really trusted and never hurt me or anything I thought.
But do remember prior feeling like okay I'm finally gonna check this off I can't wait to tell my
friends like I'm not a loser anymore I did it I'm not behind and it's just so weird.
While I am very sex positive I don't believe in like you have to just do it as fast as possible I really believe
just making sure that you're comfortable.
Even before me going,
you know,
all the way,
I was putting myself in really uncomfortable positions just so I can kind of like prove to myself and
others that I was like grown up or something like that.
It was really weird.
And elaborate on that,
the first time that I made out was someone,
I didn't even know this for like, I was just like, I just want to do it.
And then I realized that he only did it because he's never kissed an Asian girl before and he wanted to take advantage of me
So it could be his first time with an Asian girl like oh That's crazy.
I do wish that this pressure didn't exist You know life experiences even sexual experiences is not a race
Remember that someone asked how do you keep your underwear new mine always wears out so fast?
because of discharge and oh my gosh okay tell me why in high school health class like taught me
absolutely nothing when i got discharged for the first time i was like there's literally something
around my body like why is my like why why is she doing that when it's on my undie i didn't
learn until months after that it was like called discharge then that's like a normal part of
your body blah blah if i was so confused i was so scared And I was so nervous to ask my mom about it,
but I think the reality is is that we have to keep on changing our underwear Like buying new ones.
I think it's just so fun.
Anyways, I know that underwear can kind of be expensive sometimes But you do have to to treat your kitty, right?
You to give her,
you know,
new undies Obviously make sure that you're changing them every day make sure you're washing them constantly when I used to have a lot of dish
Charge I used such as wear panties liners and that would kind of help with the underwear situation,
but I don't think it was that good for my kitty because I feel Like I was kind of suffocating her so changing your underwear a couple times a day,
but let's talk about underwear Actually, because I hate thongs if you are a thonger Lee.
I applaud you I'm like wow you really are stronger than everyone around here I just can't handle it.
I'm a seamless undi girl today But the one thing that annoys me makes me so mad is that when they say that they're invisible undies
You won't see lies and they're still lying.
So while I was on the hunt for new undies I found out that parade is my girl.
The invisible sculpt hip-hugger is actually seamless So again,
I can wear my cute outfits without having a damn wedgie like I really I just really get hit all along the fabric is super thin and soft,
super stretchy.
It's a cheeky cut, so it holds everything in.
Like, I feel secure.
My butt feels like it seems like a gentle hug or something, not squeeze.
I got it in three colors because I needed the stock up.
With emphasis on sustainability, parade has tons of bras, bralettes, undies, lounge wear, and more.
Whether you're a seamless, undigurly or a thonger.
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They're already really affordable, so with this discount, you're basically getting it for free, like, girl mask.
I also sell out fast, so make sure you hop on that, your boobs, and your butt will think you.
He never texts first, but once we talk, he has down bad behavior.
What should I do?
Oh, yes.
Just boys playing.
games once again if it was the other way around like he texts you a lot but then
once you actually meet in real life it's kind of awkward I would just say he's
shy that's happening before like I feel like when you're texting like some like
a crush you're like oh my gosh I like you and you're kind of like same things to
each other you feel like they feel the same way but then when you see them in
school it's super awkward and you're like damn do we just not talk to each other
four hours last night but this seems like this is not the case babe it could just be
he's playing a little bit hard to get maybe he got some dumb advice from the
bros being like you shouldn't text it first that you're gonna stop so needy for
me personally when I was in the dating scene I just did not like to pay games
because it would just make me spiral I would overthink about everything It was really not a good time.
It seems like he kind of wants attention of like,
okay, you want me so bad,
and once you kind of give them attention, and then he kind of reciprocates us, and you keep coming back.
It's definitely a case-by-case basis.
You know him better than I do, but I think personally, I feel like if it's really bugging you, don't text him first.
Don't give him all of that satisfaction.
because I feel like if you were to pursue something more, you would want it to be like a 50-50 partnership.
I don't know, man.
Martin and I have been dating for four years.
I not had to deal with this clownery in a while, thank goodness, but I'm rooting for you.
And hope that he doesn't waste your time and know you're wearing your hot and beautiful and sexy.
Is it awkward to do it for the first time with someone who's also a virgin?
So this was kind of my experience as well.
I never really thought of it as awkward.
Honestly, I felt like it was optimal because we both didn't know what the hell we were doing.
So I thought it was kind of funny.
I think you're just like learning together.
You know, you can giggle about it and move on.
I think it does help if you're both in tune with your bodies.
If you're not what I mean, maybe you guys can teach each other but you what you want.
What to do if you're a guy smirks and stares at you after he's blocked you.
these boys playing games like they think they're slick but they're not that is
literally such weird behavior that is so odd because it is so calculated they
know that they locked you and they're just like I don't know just move on with
your day and do not get in the time of day oh my gosh that rhyme I'm
literally genius but yeah they literally just there to play games I mean if you want to go
play the game go play it but I feel like that's just so much just so much work
for no reason I constantly feel like my kitty isn't pretty and it makes me not
want to have an intimacy I've talked about Call videos actually,
but I'm gonna reiterate it for you because we need to drill this in our pretty head I literally got another question about it.
Oh my gosh Literally they phrased it is a big cooch lip a reg flag like roast feet.
That's crazy That's a crazy way to phrase this.
I've never understood the discourse about like what your kitty looks like because at the end of the day The person who is probably like judging you or something like that like should be lucky that
they're in that situation that intimate situation with you That's so weird if they're that immature
The female body is so beautiful and everyone is different and I think that's so cool
Like we all just have like different things going on.
I wish I can tell this to you my younger self because I used to be insecure about mine.
I like,
as I grew up I just know that I'm beautiful and everybody is beautiful and I think that dwelling and being insecure about something
that I can't control is not fair.
I just felt so abnormal but just know that it's okay, it's normal, whatever yours look like, it's normal, and Yeah, don't stress.
I'm scared of getting my first pap smear.
Did you ever get one?
How was it?
Yes, I have had one.
Actually, I have had two.
I'm happy to report that it is not painful.
It's not I mean It is a little bit uncomfortable, but again Some stranger is sticking something inside you.
It's just gonna be uncomfortable.
I'm sorry I'm so grateful that my doctor was so kind and understanding while I was actually freaking out.
I telling her when I was sitting on the chair, I'm like, Dr.
I'm scared, like please don't hurt me.
So once she heard all of that, she actually used an extra small plastic little, like, insert thingy.
I think that was grew up thinking that it was going to be like that really big scary metal thing.
But she told me that it's really outdated actually.
and that most doctors use the plastic ones.
So was about the size of a tampon.
It didn't hurt bad at all.
Yes, it was a little bit uncomfortable.
I think I was more uncomfortable with the
fact that she was literally like all up in there in my area and she was just like swabbing it.
But I did have a pretty good experience and you know what is crazy?
Is that like a week later, she empowers me.
She's like Jasmine.
I am so sorry and I was like,
okay Well,
I'm a little bit scared to read the rest of it But she told me that she wasn't able to get enough cells the first time so I had to go in the next week and
get it done But I was just I was walking in there so I can do this like it's not bad at all
So I literally got two pap smears in the span of two weeks and I'm still here and I'm thriving and I'm healthy,
which is great.
Make sure you get your past in your babe because it's really important for your health.
Should I shave a bowl down there or keep it trimmed?
I no clue.
Babe, it's your body, your choice.
You can choose whatever preference you want.
I personally at least like to keep it a little bit trimmed just because it's just it's a itchy.
down there and I'm not in love with that feeling.
Personally, it's kind of easier just to shave everything
because I don't have to think too much to each their own and make sure you're shaving with the gray.
We do not want to have razor burn.
Thoughts lingerie?
I personally, okay, I'm kind of 50-50 on it.
Honestly, when I wore lingerie the most, it was for me.
I wanted to look hot and sexy for myself.
I like wow like I really am just that girl like my body is so beautiful I am beautiful.
This is amazing because you're wearing it to lead up to something That lingerie is going on the floor in like five minutes.
Okay, sometimes they're so hard to put on too Like it takes longer to put them on than to take it off should be real.
I bet kind of lazy lately but if you like it and it makes you feel confident then wear
that shit babe like you look hot oh were you jealous of your partner's
past relationship because he dated someone for 40 years right do you ever feel
replaced oh yes Martin's ex they did date for like three years and I was
like wow that kind of sex Because I was like well like is he thinking of her while he's with me?
It's kind of weird,
but I think that as we kind of grow up together and love each other more We both know that was in the past and if he didn't have that relationship
He wouldn't be the person that he is today and the person that I love you know you learn so much from past relationships
Not even just romantic friendship I like to think about it like how she straightened him up.
So he'd be perfect for me If I would be so for real right now,
it would be a little bit different if they were still in contact Like I don't know how I would feel about that,
but no, no, no Is anything you wish you did differently in college, I'm about to start I'm so excited for you.
I hope you have the best time ever.
Oh my gosh for me My number one thing is that I wish that I made more friends
And I think that I wish that I kind of branched out into like multiple different circles
I am so grateful to have been so close to my freshman roommate,
but I think since I got so close with them so fast I think
like I had already found my people and they still are my people.
I love them so so much.
But think because I found them so early on and be kind of like bonded in that way,
I kind of closed myself off into making more friendships.
I do wish I joined clubs my freshman year.
I joined in like my- what was it?
I it was sophomore year second semester and I think it was just like a little bit late for me.
I think a little A of people had already had their little clicks,
their groups, and it was hard for me to kind of join that.
I every school is different, every club is different, but that was just my experience.
I wish I was more involved in school, period, like in school activities, extracurriculars, doing office hours.
We spent so much money on college.
Like, college is way too much money.
We need to be getting our money.
worth, we need to be utilizing all of the resources.
I that I just kind of went to class,
did my homework, went to my dorm, ate, maybe went to a party or two and then the cycle repeated.
I like I didn't really experience like the college education time.
What is your mentality in practice around finances, budgeting, saving, et cetera.
My number one tip for you is to open a high-year-old savings account.
I didn't know that these existed until like a year,
maybe two years ago,
and I feel like it changed my life because I used to just keep all of my money in my checking account.
You know,
she was doing her thing and doing absolutely nothing because once you put it into a high year old savings account,
it built interest over time.
So even if you're not putting more money in, your money is working for you in there.
It's growing without you having to do anything.
Do your own research, but lots of them have a 4% interest rate.
So yeah, again, your money's working for you while you don't have to do anything.
I really liked this before I started investing because I was really scared of investing, stocks, all of that stuff.
This is very low risk, you could take it out.
out anytime that you want, but you're still making money without having to do anything.
I'm a huge saver, and I think it's just because of the way that I grew up seeing my family struggle with money.
I think I have a lot of money anxiety.
I've not heard so much.
Oh my gosh,
but anyways,
I don't know your situation,
but if you can, just taking $20, $50, $10 out of your paycheck, you can actually do this automatically through your bank too.
It really adds up.
Why does no one love me when I feel like I'm at my best right now and I truly love myself?
Why does no one else?
I actually relate to this because I remember when I was having my good luck time,
I was like,
I am literally the hottest, most sexy, most funny and cool girl to ever walk this earth like no one gave me attention.
At the time is because I had the mentality that if I wasn't being validated by someone else,
the feelings that I felt were not right.
I think it's them from insecurity,
and as I think about it a little bit more now,
I think I was improving myself for the sake of other people,
maybe because I wanted compliments from them,
or maybe- I just wanted attention from them,
but I wasn't doing it truly for myself and as I grew up I mean, I still have my days.
I still have my little points I'm learning that the only opinion that matters is myself and if other people don't give me the validation or give me the
Attention that I was almost yearning for that's okay because the only person's opinion
that matters is me tips on how to get over being the ugly friend I'm really
getting tired of it I actually have an entire video about my experience growing
up ugly and you know like racism and like all the other stuff super fun and
cool so if you want to go check that out you can literally like 20 minutes I'm
not gonna like say all that stuff again I think that video was really good so
yeah I actually got a lot of questions about how to get over old friends that did you dirty or just friend breakups in general.
Unfortunately, I do think that is a part of growing up.
People are changing constantly.
Their personalities are evolving.
When you think back on the good memories,
you wish that you could just go back to that time before they did some shit to you.
You could still look back on those memories for us.
But you also have to remember that you have to respect yourself and just know that they were not real friends to you
And you do not deserve to have to deal with that you deserve to have friends that truly care about you
It can be really hard when you see them every day at school, right?
Because it's kind of awkward and just like wow you really did that to me that that really really?
was hurtful.
Immercing yourself into hobbies,
maybe to get your mind off of that journal,
really let all of your feelings out be really unfiltered and you can use this as all opportunity to make new friends.
I know it's super hard in the moment.
I still sometimes think about like all the friend breakups that I've had and it's just like really sad but again it's
just part of growing up and...
Have you ever felt judged about your breast augmentation?
I one, but I'm most scared about what people would say.
If didn't know, these girls, I did not grow them.
I paid for them, and I still love them, and they're still valid and awesome.
I have a whole boob job vlog if you want to go watch it, but I talked about my kind of thought process about everything.
I feel so confident in my decision and the reasoning why I got that I mean people sometimes have their things to say about it,
but I'm honestly like when I'm at the club some girls in the bathroom We like so nice and be like wow your boobs look really good in that top and be like thanks.
They're fake again I'm just so confident in my decision
And I think that's something that you have to feel before you do something that drastic to your body
I've said it before and I'll say it again people are always gonna have their shit to say about you might as well
Just do whatever the hell you want whether you do or don't people are always gonna have their opinion
What are some things you do to improve your mental health saswell bean one of the things that actually been doing is putting my phone
All the way across my bedroom and leaving it charged there with my alarm goes off.
I had to get my ass out of bed and turn that shit off, okay?
It really wakes my brain up and doesn't allow me to doom scroll, like literally scroll for hours on TikTok.
The first thing I do when I wake up because it makes me feel so groggy for the rest of the day because you were so over stimulated.
Literally the second you open your pretty little eyes, you're like, okay, What are all these facts about cats?
I know.
There's no reason for us to be consuming that much information the first second we wake up.
And the time I wake up and turn off my alarm like I'm up,
I've already moved my body,
I can go brush my teeth,
wash my face,
and I feel just so much more productive in the mornings and so much more intentional and not feel so guilty about just squatting.
growing on my phone all day and rotting in bed.
I've also been spending a lot more quiet time with Suki, my cat.
I that I really kind of envy her no thoughts brain.
Like I wish I wish I at the cat and I just didn't have to worry about anything.
So I like watching her interact with the world because she's just so curious and just so chill at the same time.
So it's just really lovely to see her just do her cat things.
I think it really grounds me because I'm just like really stressed.
I'm a ball of anxiety.
So just watching her live her life with no thoughts.
Yeah, I love it.
Okay, well I hope you enjoyed today's little sleepover.
It's so much fun talking to you.
I love love love love this series so much.
If you want to ask me questions,
for my next one make sure you follow me on instagram i post really cute pictures of me too like if
you're wondering like you know just if you're wondering let me know what snack you ate tonight or just what
you were doing while you're watching this video i'd really love to know i feel like it's just
so cool that we're just all over the world and stuff and you know that's kind of crazy that you're
watching me right now but i really appreciate it thank you so much!
I love you and I'll see you next time.
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