how to improve your speaking skills BY YOURSELF as a beginner (shadowing practice) - 雙語字幕

Good morning!
Welcome to another episode from Pearly Yeee.
Hi new faces.
Join my little channel lately.
I'm happy.
Thank you so much.
And see you in next video.
And See you in video.
I just really want to practice my Spanish and Arabic that's why I get asked questions like this quite often like why does it seem like you are not afraid nor nervous when speaking of foreign
language and also questions like wow your pronunciation is so good.
not bad, like, how did you do that?
Or, like, why are you speaking a very natural way, like, things like this?
So, I started to recall, like, why?
Why am I like this?
How did I do that?
I realized that out of all the languages that I learned, while my language learning methods vary, there is one thing.
that I never, never stopped doing.
And that is, yes, shadowing practice.
Shadowing practice is always my number one favorite things to do when it comes to my legs hurt my waist.
You might wonder,
why do I recommend this position because this position because I have because I think I look really good in this angle,
so that's why, anyway.
Uh, shadow practice is always like my number and favorite things to do when it comes
to learning a new language,
because it's not only fun, but it's also helped me so much with building my confidence, bettering my pronouns, the Asian, third half.
How to speak like locals and just let my brand and ton become more used to this language.
So in this video,
I'll share with you step-by-step on how to do shadow impractors and also to share with you resources to use for doing shadow impractors.
Y'all love Vina, nibda el video.
So I'm going to demonstrate to you how to do shadow impractors using Arabic and Spanish
videos since I actually use them to do shadow impractors every day right now.
So pick one video and four time of watching this video, I usually just close my eyes.
because I really want to focus on the sound of the videos rather than getting distracted by the or the subtitles.
And starting from the second time of watching the video I started to repeat after it just like this.
a super significant super miracle super mercado yes he is como mente yes he is
como mente conocido en mejico and as you might already notice I pause quite
often because it's just my second time unfamiliar with it and I usually pause it in a very random way sometimes after only one word,
sometimes two words,
sometimes three words,
sometimes a whole sentence because my goal here,
the whole point here,
is to know how a word pronounced exactly and to have the time to repeat after it So as long as you achieve this goal,
it really doesn't matter and After you became familiar with the video,
by the way,
I do shadowing practice using the exact same video for at least 10 times sometimes even 20 times 30 times
possible because I just find it became much more fun and enjoyable after you
became familiar with it because you no longer need to pause that often or you don't need to pause at all.
Thank you very much.
And I think based on my experiences, you can only truly enjoy the smoothness and rhythm of this language after you became familiar with this.
When you became familiar with the video,
try to mimic everything,
like literally everything from their tone, their rhythm, their their shapes of their mouths, their languages, their expressions, their emotions, etc etc.
You might wonder, why do it to this extent?
Why mimic everything?
Because on my learning experience, I find it not only much more for me, fun and entertaining by mimicking everything.
It also allows your body and your brand to get immersed by this Arabic or Spanish soul or the soul of any other languages that you are trying to learn.
Like I know it sounds kind of weird and spiritual but it does work at least for me like I love to imagine like for example when I'm doing Arabic
shadow and practice like the Arabic so entering to my body and I just be damn like them yes just like that.
I know like even now I'm explaining it.
It feels kind of weird but yes this is what I do and it does work.
Also you might wonder do I check the meaning of the new words when doing shadow in practice.
Yes I do but in a much later stage.
Because I just simply don't want to disrupt the smoothness of my shadowing practice when
I'm still at the stage of getting familiar with how it sounds and breathe.
At least during my first five times of watching the videos, I wouldn't bother to check it.
And because Because I do shadowing practice using the exact same videos for so many times,
even if I don't write down new words often,
my brand started to pick those words up automatically, and as time goes by, I just like memorize them without putting in much effort.
this very active shadow in practice.
I also do passive shadow in practice when I'm doing chores that don't require much focus from me like washing dishes.
When I heard like a sound that I found interesting and fun I just repeated after it and it's actually
a very relaxing and fun way to immerse yourself in this language in your daily life.
Okay, so now let's talk about how to choose videos for doing shadowing practice.
So ideally I prefer videos that satisfy two conditions.
First of all,
show both the English subtitles and also the subtitles of my target language
because I find it much more convenient to have both subtitles showing up at the
same time when I have new words that I don't know so I can just refer it in
a very convenient way without you know like for example
having to look it up on Google myself and the second condition is I would always go for the videos that speak relatively slow.
By the way I already did a video about how to find YouTube videos for any languages you want to learn so
if you're interested you can check out right here or right here I always get
confused us no idea which word is it but either way yes you can find it but if
you are too lazy to find videos I do have recommendations so no worries
I really love watching easy languages videos for shadowing practice because of
their videos have the subtitles of the target language
and English and they speak rather slowly in many of the videos and all of
their topics are very much related to daily life so I also find it very practical.
They have videos in many different languages like Mandarin, English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Greek, Arabic, Polish, et cetera, et cetera.
When you search for largest typing,
super easy blah, blah, blah, like your target language, like super easy Japanese on YouTube, and you will find it for sure.
Or you can also type in easy blah, blah, blah, like Japanese, easy Mandarin, so on, so on.
Also on YouTube and you will find it,
but I'll also put the links down in the description box below So you can also check it out And that's all for today's videos.
I hope you find it helpful.
I hope you like it and I'll see you in the next video Okay, bye I want to say this.
Wait, wait, what's this in Arabic?
I just learned it.
I learned it.
So, yes, I'll see you next time.


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